Ultra High Performance Fully Synthetic Diesel Engine Oil for High Performance European and Japanese Trucks
SAE 5W-30 API CJ-4
- Formulated with top quality synthetic base oils and special
ULTRA ZDP additives to provide ultimate protection for
high performance low emissions diesel engines - Provides exceptional high thermal resistance and minimizes
degradation under severe conditions at high operating
temperature - Meets Euro IV, V, VI emission requirements, engines
with Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), Selective Catalytic
Reduction (SCR) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) - Meets API Service Classification of API CJ-4
- Meets or Exceeds API CJ-4/SN, ACEA E6/E7/E9-10 Issue 2,
DAIMLER MB-228.51, 228.31, Volvo VDS-4, VDS-3, CNG,
Renault Truck RXD, RLD-3, RLD-2, RGD, Mack EO-O-O PP,
EO-N PP, EO-M PLUS, MAN M3477/3271-1, Cummins CES
20081, CAT ECF-3, MTU Type 3.1, Deutz DQC IV-10LA,
Detroit Diesel DDC 93K218, JASO DH-2
Available Packsize
6 litresVehicle